Saturday, August 28, 2010

World Map of Book locations

View Mapping children's literature in a larger map

Bill Lord, a Literacy teacher, has created this map. He talks in his blog about how he hopes others will collaborate and add to the map with locations of their favourite books.

Each placemarker on this map shows a main or starting location mentioned in a children’
s book.
Blue placemarkers are for picture books, red markers are for short novels (less than 150 pages), green markers are for novels and graphic novels.

Anyone can add their own placemarks for books which have inspired them at some point. It is important that people who add books leave a short recommendation with a link to a description of the book (eg on Shelfari, or Amazon).

How about we add the locations of some of our favourite New Zealand books (none are listed yet)! Leave a comment here with your recommendations, or (better still) log into Google Maps with your gmail account and contribute to the map - let us know if you do!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Spring back into Reading! New books on the browsing table:)

Check out the new titles below. I really enjoyed Two weeks with the Queen. We now have books 1, 2 & 3 of the Darren Shan series. Roald Dahl's BFG, another Famous Five and Mr Muggs the Library Cat is there too!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Library Week Video Competition - PLEASE VOTE FOR US NOW!

Kachina, Morgan, and Georgia (Year 8) have created and entered a video for the Library Week 'Love Your Library' Video Competition. The winners of the competition will be selected by popular vote, and there is only another week left for people to vote for their favourite video.

We would be thrilled if you could get as many of your friends and family as possible to vote for the girls' video over the coming week. Please go to the Library Competition Website and find the Springston School video, called
'Full of Surprises!'.

There are some fabulous prizes for the winners. The competition voting ends in one week, so please, vote as many times as you are able to and help us out NOW!

Here's a copy of the video, to tempt you to go and vote!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Welcome to Library Week 2010

This week is 'Library Week' in libraries all around New Zealand. Information on this can be found on the 'Library Week' website. There are several competitions happening too, including writing and making a video.

The theme this year is "Ask Me - You Might Be Surprised! He Taonga Te Patai."

This theme reflects librarians not only as people who issue books to you, but as people who have a world of knowledge and experience at their fingertips. All you need to do is - ask! The Te Reo translation means "to ask is precious" which signifies the importance of teaching, listening and learning."

So, pop into our library and say a friendly "Hello" to Karen, and just ask if you need help with what book to read next, or information for your inquiry.

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Creative Bookends

These are just a couple of some of the Creative Bookends shown at CrookedBrains. Have you ever seen bookends like these?

What bookends do YOU have at home?

How about taking a photo of your bookends, in the same way as the ones from
CrookedBrains, and emailing the photo to us. We might be able to post the pictures on the blog, and if we get enough photos we'll turn them into a slideshow!

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Read this Book!

Maddy and Emma (Year 6) read this book for their class Novel Study and enjoyed it so much they thought others should read it too. This is a book trailer with a difference!

Thanks to Team Endeavour for giving permission for us to re-publish this video.