After Round 4, four teams were on 35 points, after Round 7 there was a split on points but it was still very close.
Our team "The Village of Readers": Nina, Kaylee, Jess, Gemma, Joseph and Toby, were thrilled to win by 1 and 1/2 points and "Springston 12 Eyes": Lucy B, Sonya, Maggie, Anna, Darcie and Brigid only just missed out on 3rd place by 2 and 1/2 points.
The winning team got to choose a book prize and we get to host the quiz again next year. The highlight of the night was the guest speaker, Desna Wallace - author of My Story: Canterbury Quake. The audience listened attentively and had the opportunity to ask questions and get books signed.
A special mention must go to Mrs Winter for all the time and effort she put into helping prepare the team members. Thanks to all the parents and staff members who helped on the night. Thanks also to our two reserves: Adele and Tegan.
Jess: It was fun and hard.
Gemma: Some questions were really challenging.
Lucy: Desna Wallace was amazing.
Maggie: I would to thank Mrs Winter and all the people who helped out on the night.
Sonya: I enjoyed being in the team for the first time.
The team's favourite book was: Teddy One-Eye: The Autobiography of a Teddy Bear, Author Gavin Bishop.